This week's assignment was to create this website. Now if I am being honest it was a diffcult task for me at first. The set up of the Github website gave me some trouble. First it asked me to download something I needed to be able to do the task of cloning the website. Which at first I didn't do because I was worried it was going to actually be a virus. But after I followed the steps and realized it didnt work I knew I had to downlaod what it was telling me. I did but I was still having trouble. For some reason no matter what I did it just wasnt working, I put in all the infomration it needed when it asked but it just didnt work. So after a day I tried again making sure to follow the steps given exactly. It eventually ended up working and I had the website with "hello world"
Next was chosing the template. I ended up using 2 templates "Band Template" and "Coming Soon Template" I am using the band template for the main page and for the weeks that are completed. The coming soon template is being used for the weeks that are not completed so it is not just a empty screen. Then it was time to alter the template. I deleted a lot of stuff I didnt need and changed the navbar at the top to be white and not black and the box to be blue and not black. Then I changed the navbar drop down to assigments and added a button for each week. Then came the task of creating a page for each week. I had to look up a video (pictured below) to figure it out. I eneded up creating copies of the original index.html and adding them to my folder and renaiming them for each week. Then I went to each button and set the link so when it got pressed it would take you there. Then after that the challenge of changing each page so it would match to what I want. Using the coming soon template I took out their picture and left it white and added the Week #.